Friday, April 23, 2010

Another Bonnie Hunter Pattern

Bonnie Hunter calls this pattern " Jarred takes a wife", but I may call it something else.  I started with a plaid shirt as inspiration and cut all the center squares with that fabric......the rest is all from scraps and stash.
The purple I used between the blocks was purchased on a shopping trip when I was pregnant with my daughter.......she'll be 30 in Jan. !  I wonder if I'll ever use all my stash up?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Debby is having a giveaway

Debby is giving away a copy of her book.
It's a great teaching yourself how to quilt hand, home machine or longarm!

Happy sewing and good luck :0)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another finish

Okay, so Jack turned 60 on the 4th of July 2009.......but he'll still get it while he's 60!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another great giveaway

these are giveaways of original patterns!  So clever!
Happy sewing and good luck.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Paper piecing challenge round three

I'm making this for my granddaughter Lily....first round has her name, then second round has two cats like she has at home and some hearts to show how much I love her.  Round three has the year making this quilt, a house with her house numbers, two pinwheels to play with, and a little girl with ginger hair ...just like her :0).
Next round will have lots of lilies......for my little Lily.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Book giveaway

Oh don't you love a chance to win a book?
Click on over and enter to win!
Good Luck and Happy sewing

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another QOV

Here is another completed QOV ( quilts of valor...made for wounded soldiers)  for donation made with matching presentation case.
Debby Brown and I have made about 8 of these together.  A small thanks to those that serve and suffer for our freedom.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blocks for Bumblebeans
Victoria is making quilts from house are 4 blocks I made to send along.
If you can help.... go to her site and find the particulars on this donation effort.

Happy sewing