Monday, October 28, 2013


Lori over at Humble Quilts has had a nice little sewalong and now is having a linky party for
everyone to show their efforts, come on by and have a look.

Even though this isn't a finished quilt it is a finished block so I'll share it over at
Amanda Jean's Finish it up Friday linky party, there is always great eye candy
at Amanda Jean's...come on over and see :0).

I am going to make 8 more like this so I'll have a nice square top with nine blocks and many
HST :0).

Happy Sewing,


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blogger's Quilt Festival

I decided to enter Amy's Blogger Festival over at Amy's Creative side blog, are you gonna enter too?

I made this adorable little yo yo quilt that is a 7 inch square, it has 100 yo yo's!
I saw the pattern in Miniature Magazine and it was called the 51 cent quilt because
you start with the template that is the size of a 50 cent piece and end up with a yo yo the size
of a penny.  I made it in Christmas fabrics so I could put it on my Christmas tree
with a little teddy bear holding it.

Happy Sewing, Kim

100 yo yo's in a 7 inch square 

each yo yo is the size of a penny

back side

teddy getting cozy

Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Fall

My  quilted pumpkin instead of a wreath on the front door.  I made my little
quilt this week so I will show it off over at Amanda  Jean's   Finish it up Friday

Fall in the south  is much different than the north :0).

My front maple is changing colors

View from my front porch rocking chair, life is good.  Happy Sewing,   Kim

Friday, October 18, 2013

10 little dresses

Time to get ready for Christmas......really?

Here are 10 little baby gowns made for our local NICU, aren't they cute?

I belong to the Sea Trail Grandmas ( Sea Trail is the name of the development where I live) which delivers thousands of items every year to our local hospitals.
Since this is my only finish this week I'll share it over at Amanda Jean's
Finish it up Friday :0).

10 gowns ready for Christmas preemies

Happy Sewing, Kim

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lori's sew along

Lori has started a new sew along over at Humble Quilts  This quilt is her blog header so jump over and look at how adorable these blocks are in a quilt!  Come on, try one you know you want to :0)
Happy Sewing, Kim

The beginning of the block on the Lori's sew along.  I used this brown plaid as a border since it was lying on
my sew table from the Halloween quilt I just sent to my granddaughter.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy 1st day of October

It can either be a table runner or a bed scarf for Lily's bed.
I took a Halloween charm pack and cut the 5 inch squares into quarters, this turned out larger than I first imagined
but I think it is still fun. 

the top of the B says " Happy Halloween Lily"  and the bottom has a spider, on the outside edge
I wrote" Love Grandma"

This letter O has a spider tangling from a spider string

This O has a web and a spider coming down to the web.
In the mail it goes this afternoon :0)

Happy Sewing, Kim
Lily received her bear and runner and is sleeping with the Boo runner :0)
I'm linking up with Amanda Jean's finish it up Friday because not only did I get this done
I got it mailed in time!