Friday, January 31, 2014

Winter Projects

144  one inch squares in this doll quilt for my swap partner.
  ( check it out if you would like to join this fun group that exchanges a doll quilt every month)
The theme is" try something new", so I tried some free motion quilting on this top, it's not perfect but I did try something new :0)......let's just say I need a lot more practice.   Happy Sewing,

Well Since this is my only real finish in weeks I will link up with Amanda Jean to show it off.....poor Amanda Jean is doing taxes......YUCK!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Winter Projects

Making progress on Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice!
Update : 2-2-2014 Bonnie has a link up so you can see some finished Celtic Solstice quilts.

25 of these "54- 40 or fight"star blocks are made and most of the other blocks are done too, now I just have to start assembling them into the quilt top.
I am still debating whether or not to make this larger into a queen size quilt for my bed or just calling it a day and moving onto the next project :0)  time will tell.   Happy Sewing, Kim

This is too good not to share, Barb has posted fabulous photo's from a Gwen Marston show along with a presentation she gave about her work.  Just click on Barb and you will be taken to her blog :0)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State of Emergency

light snow with about 1/2 inch of ice under it

ice encrusted car

iced palm trees

Living in a town with no snow removal equipment means telling everyone to stay off the roads
then declare a state of emergency to enforce it!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Projects

Another applique block finished
When I saw Lori's finished "Just takes Two" quilt  on her bed I thought I better get back to mine and see if I can get it done.  It is nice to have a little hand project available while having to wait for appointments, or quiet evenings at home.

This project is also Inspired by Lori :0), I have nine blocks finished now I have to join them with HSTs, so far so good.

"Under the big top"
Wish me luck!  Happy Sewing, Kim

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year

If you have never done a Bonnie Hunter Mystery I encourage you  to try this one, it is still available on her blog and now that the reveal is out you can either look at it as a finished quilt and pick your colors or do as we mystery quilters like to do is guess as to what  colors we want to work with before we see the pattern.  I have picked lots of stash I have on had but with a bend towards Christmas colors : reds, golds, greens and blacks.

Many 3.5 units will make up this quilt.

Bonnie Hunter has revealed her mystery :0), I have many more hours to go to make these blocks into a quilt but I will enjoy the process into the new year.  I hope everyone has a blessed 2014 with many hours of Happy Sewing,  Kim

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Celtic Solstice clues one through five

One 3.5 inch block from each clue 1-5.

four of each block

 A few possible blocks from clues so far

I'm making progress on my  Bonnie Hunter  Celtic Solstice mystery but slowing down while my daughter is visiting.  Happy New Year!  Happy Sewing,