Monday, May 18, 2009

Following Blogs

I've been following many blogs over this past year.
One of my favorites has been Lazy Gal Quilting, I enjoy
it so much I finally jumped in and participated in making
some blogs for Tonya.
I also send another one that I forgot to photograph before sending
but it was the word baby and you can see it on her blog :0).

Tonya has inspired me to make freestyle letter quilts for children
with their names done in the middle of the quilt surrounded by
crumb blocks I learn from Bonnie Hunter...........another
favorite blog.


  1. Hi Kim,
    I too am fairly new to the blogging world. It has been so nice to meet new bloggers/quilters from all over the world. I started blogging mostly to journal about my quilting and treasure hunting (thrift/antique hunting). It has been fun and my family keeps up with me too :-) Hope you will enjoy the journey.


  2. Happy Blogging Kim,

    Congratulations on the big step! Love those letter blocks, so cute! I follow Tonya too, but haven't tried free pieced letters, I must though.

  3. Welcome to Blogland.

    I love Tonya's work and think your blocks are great. Love the Mwa one.

    You might be interested in another Yahoo group


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)