Sunday, May 17, 2009

So I've been asking other quilters from chat groups about blogging.......
many think it is a great way to keep a quilting journal, others say they
have enjoyed the friends they have made and other seem to just enjoy
a daily way to record what is happening in their world.
My daughter-in-law started blogging while living in Melbourne, Australia and still enjoys those
friendships years later.
Well this all appeals to me so in I jump :0)!
I hope to show some of my work, tell you about my little world
here in Pokeytown and get to know more of you in the blogging and
quilting world.


  1. Yay! Welcome to the Land of Blog! It really is a great way to journal your quilts and meet some wonderful people who share a lot of talent!

  2. congratulations on your new blog!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)