Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fabric inheritance

I went to a 60 wedding anniversary party this past weekend. These are folks that have been best friends with my in-laws- for nearly 70 years. After the party I was offered a look in the attic to take some fabric.....I left with four boxes of fabric! Here is a picture of it back at my house being sorted. The huge pile in the front is all cotton, the other fabric will be used to make bedrolls for the homeless by a local sewing group. Can we ever have too much fabric?


  1. OMG I am GREEN with envy-as you know I am "into vintage". Four boxes!
    Your minis too are adorable, haven't ever tackled one myself-maybe one day.....

  2. Wow, lovely lot of fabrics. Must be some cool 60s-70s ones there? Enjoy Natima

  3. Hi Kim, thanks for the comment on my blog!
    Way to go on the attic fabric! I got a box from my grandmothers attic but I'm too scared to touch it yet! I've only just started this quilting addiction and am not sure what to do with it. I'll have to check back to see what you're doing...get some ideas!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)