Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where is summer?

I told myself I was not going to do Bonnie Hunter's newest mystery because I have so many projects in progress,....... "finish up some of what you have started" I told myself. Did I listen? No, here is clue number one done. The saving grace on this mystery is the clues will be slow in coming since its from a magazine that isn't a monthly publication.
Since its been so cool and rainy here in Pokeytown I have been doing more sewing then gardening anyway.
Now I think its time to clear off my "design wall" and use it for designing instead of having bits of this and that hanging about! That is today's project.......wish me luck that I don't get side tracked :0)

1 comment:

  1. *LOL* Kim. I'd say your design wall is just a tad overcrowded. What an adoreable grandchild you have. Thanks for visiting my blog. While I was in Ottawa we went to Beechwood Cemetery (where the Military Cemetery is) cause we have a lot of family buried there. It's a beautiful cemetery. I lost my mom 6 years ago, lost my dad 45 years ago.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)