Friday, November 20, 2009

                                           "Christmas Lights"


  1. It looks wonderful.......oh and flannel on the back? Perfect choice I think.
    I have yet to try that free style lettering, it looks like loads of fun.

  2. great job! nice touch to add merry christmas, looks great!

  3. This really looks nice. I am glad I have all of the clues on this one. Who knows one of these days I might actually try this. Bonnie in the Poconos from Fabricholics Annonymous....

  4. I like your colors a lot!
    Hey, thanks for the encouraging words when you visited my blog! Nice to know someone else has done what I'd like to do and lived to tell the tale.
    I'll be bookmarking you and coming back!

  5. This is a fantastic quilt! Love the Bonnie Tonya hybrid...which of course make this one all your own!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)