Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bonnie K. Hunter's "Carolina Christmas" mystery

I'm a pushover for all things Bonnie K. no surprise I started her new mystery over at Quilvillechat.
This is gonna be a big quilt and this time I am not using scraps but cutting everything from my stash.
If you ever made one of Bonnie's mysteries you know how much cutting that is!  Wish me luck :0)


  1. Wow Kim! That's going to be a stunner of a quilt! The black background really is fabulous! I haven't blogged about it yet, but I'm working on clue #3 at the moment. I'll be back to check in on your progress :o)

  2. It's going to be gorgeous Kim. I love the color you have chosen so far. I might have to join in too. I like everything Bonnie K Hunter does. She is my inspiration - Thanks for sharing - Hugs Natima

  3. Love these blocks so far, can't wait to see the quilt. You can't go wrong with Bonnie. :)


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)