Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gifts for friends :0)

                              This is a Dorothy Young mystery called "Mosaic tiles" I made it at Christmas time 2008.
                            My friend Margaret is the proud owner of this quilt and was she ever surprised when I
                             gave it to her!  I think she'll love the matching pillow cases too.
                            I get so much pleasure giving my gifts of quilts :0)                       


  1. Very pretty . Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you give quilts and the receiver is thrilled with it .

  2. Very pretty quilt - one of the pretties mysteries I've seen.

    Does Dorothy have a website to join her mystery quilts?



  3. Oh Kim it's absolutely beautiful! I've yet to complete a full quilt (on squares) but I hope someday I will be as gifted as you and be able to share such incredible skills with others!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)