Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spider web with selvedges

                                Just a little fun experimenting with selvedges.  I have been sewing selvedges
                                onto used dryer sheets and I decided to use them on this project.  It will make a
                                cute baby quilt or maybe a QOV depending on the size it becomes.  Cute but
                                way too time consuming using my method.  ( Bonnie K. Hunter has a better method
                                on her web site) You can see many scraps from my recent  "Carolina Christmas"                                  finish I made over the holidays plus many  donated scraps from Debby.


  1. Very nice, Kim! It has a nice feel, love that you can use leftovers.

    I have one of these one my goal sheet for the year, and I find it a bit more work than the simple strings. I can say, mine will not be a large one!

  2. I love it - the white from the selvedges brings some uniformity to it and its a lovely fresh piece of work.
    Lynne, RidgeAndFurrow.

  3. once the quilt is done, can i have my fabric back? ;-)

    i have a HUGE bag of selvedges ready for your next project.

  4. was this your Friday night sew in project... looks good..
    Cath Ü

  5. Very cute quilt...I am partial to red lately!! Great Sew-In.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)