Friday, February 26, 2010

Broken branches, more snow and no power

                             We had a slight break in the snow so we cleared out the driveway and took some pictures.
                             We had a huge branch come down near the road, and some in the back.
                              Luckily nothing hit the house.  We have the generator running for a while to warm things up.  How many weeks until Spring?


  1. Wow that is a lot of snow! Glad to hear none of those falling branches did any damage to your house.

  2. Man, this is quite the year of brutal weather for you folks! I can deal with being snowbound (I did live in Alaska for 4 years), but I HATE the power being off. it seems the best pastimes need some juice to keep it going. I don't mean just the sewing machine, but that is a biggie. Hope things get better, soon!

  3. Wow, the snow has really been hitting the States this year! And here we are with rain for the Olympics. It did start snowing a couple of days ago in the hills but they say it was too little too late. Stay warm. I hate power outages.

  4. Sometimes I feel like standing outside and yelling, "Would it really be that hard to just send me some sunshine?"...having a lot of those day lately... LOL! Hope your out from all that white fluff soon. B=)

  5. Wow you guys seem to have an abundance of snow this year.
    Wishing a lovely Spring for you all soon.
    Robyn xx

  6. Oh, Kim... your snow look worse than our snow... maybe cause we've cut trees from around the house after one hit it.

    I LOVE you Tisket A Tasket quilt. You've done such a nice job with it. I'm still plugging away on it. Nearly done with the applique on the 6th block.

    Today I am planning on quilting... Hope your power comes back on soon.

  7. Oh my word, you probably don't want to hear this but I think it looks so beautiful!! It snowed here once, in 2000, and everyone took four hundred photos... didn't settle on the ground though. Absolutely amazing, thank you for sharing!

  8. That's a lot of snow...we don't get snow here, oh, it looks so lovely and cool. we have recently had a heatwave..
    Julia ♥


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