Wednesday, March 10, 2010

wool crazy

                               Okay, I have discovered I just love working with careful or this bug might bite you!


  1. That's so cute Kim. Wool is ridiculously easy to work with and it doesn't ravel. I've been bitten by it too although when I look at the prices for large pieces it starts to itch less. :0)

  2. Love the wool crazy embroidery. I would love to work with wool but unfortunately I'm allergic to the wool fibers. I'll just admire yours.

  3. Lovely crazy patchwork!

    Oh, and no, my daughter's name isn't Noel.... It's Kristi. lol Now that she's married, she goes by her initials.... KC. Now my granddaughter's name is Kitana Katelyn. Yep, the nicname is Kit Kat:)

  4. Me too, but my problem is that I live everything else just as much. Your block is coming along very nicely - Hugs Nat


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)