Sunday, June 27, 2010

Amsterdam train station

This is  three tiered parking for bikes at the train station and still it is not enough.
Getting into the station is a maze of bikes blocking nearly every walkway.  We arrived in the morning
after leaving the airport by train right into the heart of town.  Our hotel was an easy 5 minute walk from the station.......we just had to be careful not to get hit by a bike!

Next we got on a tour boat like in the picture and toured the canals through is a historic building that was once a warehouse now its a fancy apartment.
Amsterdam is unlike any other city I have ever seen!


  1. That's interesting to hear about all of those bikes. I don't think you'd see that in the US. Sound like you had fun on your trip.

  2. Very interesting ,I love those houses.

  3. Wow, that's brought back memory of long ago. They weren't many bikes then, but the canal tour was the same. Thanks for sharing - Hugs Nat


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