Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another giveaway

Okay so can you tell I've been blog surfing.....but honestly there is just so much fun stuff to see!

Barb is giving away her new line of fabric in fat quarters "Dilly Dally" over at  " me and my sister designs"........
Oh is that fabric ever delicious!

Happy sewing and good luck ;0),

katiemaytoo quilts (and other stuff): i wish my kitties helped like this!

katiemaytoo quilts (and other stuff): i wish my kitties helped like this!

If I had kitties I would expect them to carry their own weight around here!
I couldn't resist...... how cute is  this?

Happy Sewing,

Another giveaway

Oh yummy soft vintage sheets cut into fat quarters........
jump over to Flekka  for a chance to win :0)
Good luck and Happy Sewing :0)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

trickle down scraps and fun sites to visit

Gen X Quilters

I pulled these fabrics from my stash in November 2009 to start a new Bonnie Hunter mystery called  "Carolina Christmas.                                                           
  I quickly realized the yellow had to
go!   It was replaced with a nice bright white.  Yes, that made all the difference.

A year later the quilt was completed down to the binding with machine quilting done Debby Brown.                    Gen X Quilters
This spider web quilt was made from the selvages from the red and turquoise fabrics, again machine quilted by Debby Brown then donated to Quilts of Valor.

This little art quilt went to  Ami Simms Alzheimer's  fund raising efforts and brought in $45.00 for Alzheimer's research.  I pieced it from the left over salvage pieces of the spider web quilt and machine quilted it myself.

This little quilt went together in an afternoon but is not completed.....I used the back side of some of the turquoise fabric to give the effect of two solids fabrics........Ho Ho Ho  :0)

..and with a couple of extra blocks I made a few of these mug rugs for a Christmas gift.

This little house block was given to everyone that participated in Beth's neighborhood challenge.  It may get some unruly words added.

Which brings me to the latest use of the red and turquoise fabric....."Rhapsody in Bloom".  This pattern will be available in the March/April '11 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine  which will be  available soon.......
Have you seen the  Quiltmaker blog called Quilty Pleasures?

And have you seen this site yet?
Quilters Club of America?  It has tons of free stuff (or you can buy a premium package) where you can see more of the Scrap Squad quilts.

So is there any more turquoise and red fabric left in the scrap basket?

Happy Sewing,

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Giveaway

Oh look what  The Quilt Rat is giving away!
While you are there check out all her interesting art work, fabric dying and doodles! 
This is one of my favorite blogs.
Happy sewing

Rhapsody in Bloom

 Rhapsody in Bloom is designed by Doug Leko of   Doug is a high school student who loves to design and teach. His pattern is featured in the
Quiltmaker March /April '11 issue.

  Eight ladies have made this pattern with their own scraps and Quiltmaker has named us the Scrap can read more about this pattern and the scrap squad at  link the above.

 My quilt was made from my red, turquoise, black and white scraps.
 Later this week I'll show you what else I have made in this color group.

My Rhapsody in Bloom was quilted by Debby Brown and together we will donate it to Quilts of Valor.
Happy Sewing

Thursday, January 27, 2011

unruly letters and more snow

Only 5 new inches of snow........oh well it is winter right?  Happy sewing, keep cozy and warm.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Little house
This little house was sent by Beth for participating in her neighborhood challenge earlier this winter.
I can't decide if I will add words and make it larger or not......stay tuned...

Happy Sewing

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter sewing

 While the weather is bitter cold I am making the most of my  indoor time at my sewing machine.

 I finally finished the binding on "Christmas Lights" a three part mystery from Bonnie Hunter and Quiltmaker Mag....I added some unruly letters from Tonya to make it my own.  Debby Brown quilted it for me to make it look like a million dollars, and it has a snugly flannel backing.  My first gift finished for 2011 Christmas :0)
 I continue to make progress on RRCB another ongoing Bonnie Hunter mystery.
And it looks like I'll have time to finish before Spring is here......we have another snowstorm on the way :0)

Happy sewing!

Friday, January 21, 2011

traffic control

Here is a new way to control traffic...just pile up snow about 10 feet high in the lane.....I'm sure folks will go around :0).

Happy sewing

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The prompt this week was "vision"

the art challenge continues...
I put two little kitty faces peering out  
: 0)  Happy Sewing

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Scrap Squad

Coming soon...... Scrap Squad!

Look at this fun quilting by Debby Brown!

Happy Sewing

Queensland Australia flooding

The flooding has left many homeless.....what can we do to help?
Here is some information if you want to donate to help out.

Thanks for helping.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Wednesday wink not always Pink Day 2011
see what Em is talking about and enter her giveaway.

Happy Sewing 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Quilt Dad" is having a giveaway

Quilt Dad is having a  giveaway......fabric from designer Patricia Bravo.......
get on over there and enter :0)
Happy sewing

Monday, January 10, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Book giveaway

I love a good giveaway.....and hey I have won a few too!
check out  Karen's Selvageblog and while you are there enter for a chance to win!
Good luck!

Birthday Gifts

 My VBF Debby Brown made me some terrific birthday gifts.....a matching cosmetic case and fully lined laundry bag,  from my favorite color combo of  yellow and blue, for traveling.  Plus 30 bobbins of  Invisifil thread to use for hand applique.  How cool is that!  I know!  She is my friend and you can't have her :0)......  but you can visit her at

She is a talented lady!

Happy sewing

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I won a Brooch

I won this adorable brooch that was made to go on my red cap. After I  won Katie let me pick what I wanted from her Etsy store.  Thank you Katie!  Drop in and visit her at her blog:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Roll roll cotton Boll

This is clue seven in the Bonnie Hunter mystery.  I'm doing one in pink and one in purple......and I'm rolling along with it!
One more clue to go.
Happy Sewing