Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter sewing

 While the weather is bitter cold I am making the most of my  indoor time at my sewing machine.

 I finally finished the binding on "Christmas Lights" a three part mystery from Bonnie Hunter and Quiltmaker Mag....I added some unruly letters from Tonya to make it my own.  Debby Brown quilted it for me to make it look like a million dollars, and it has a snugly flannel backing.  My first gift finished for 2011 Christmas :0)
 I continue to make progress on RRCB another ongoing Bonnie Hunter mystery.
And it looks like I'll have time to finish before Spring is here......we have another snowstorm on the way :0)

Happy sewing!


  1. WOW! That Christmas quilt is amazing!

  2. Congrats on your finish! RRCB is looking wonderful, can't wait to see the other one! Keep warm, Happy sewing!

  3. I love the purple in your RRCB
    I too am working on letters for add to Christmas quilt. small world cw

  4. I like the purple in your RRCB. I am tired of pink. I have all the blocks made, now to put them together. Stopped a few days to quilt a UFO.

  5. brrrrrr. Your Christmas Lights is wonderful - congrats! I love the colors of your RRCB - gonna be gorgeous too.

  6. A gift for 2011 already? Now that's planning *LOL* Love the purple in your RRCB too.

    What a beautiful photo of snow. I'd say I miss snow but seeing things on the news about the weather back East I guess I'll settle for the fog and rain. You don't have to shovel rain.

  7. Love the way your Roll, roll cotton boll quilt is turning out! I haven't pieced any of the blocks together yet. Enjoy staying inside and sewing.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)