Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm walking here!

Sorry Deer I didn't see you!  Yes, they visit often and eat well in my yard.  Happy Spring, Kim


  1. Oh yes, we have many too. They don't seem to know that we live here too. But I don't mind.

  2. They are beautiful. How lucky you are!

  3. Looks the same at my house...only we don't have near as many trees. We had over a dozen hanging out over the winter.

  4. Happy Spring to you. They a beautiful photo's. We are now in Autumn and my favourite timme of year. So enjoy all of spring the first flower, May Day, Easter, Etc.

  5. Love the deer in my yard too. We live on a semi-busy street and I'm always afraid they're going to get hit.

    Happy Spring to you too!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)