Saturday, April 9, 2011

Infinite Variety Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts

Oh Look Norma....Yes.... look at that red and white quilt!  Which one should I make???


  1. You are there too! So lucky to live in the city of red and white quilts. Apart from the quilts I particularly like the way they display them. Why is the background dark? I like it a lot. I wish I was there - Hugs Nat

  2. so beautiful - all the photos are amazing. I can see how it leads to being overwhelmed by all the options. thank you so much for the gifties of red and white in the mail!

  3. which one? ok I know you meant to say which one should I make first!
    wasn't it just amazing!
    I still can't stop thinking about it!

  4. Oh, you are so lucky to be there and view those quilts in person. The display is amazing.

  5. Oh THAT red and white quilt! Haha. I'm wondering which one to make first too. I loaded up on red and white solids yesterday.

  6. Oh wow Kim! Those are absolutely amazing. I'm starting to really like the simpler two colour quilts.


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