Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quilts for Japan

Yesterday, I finished a scrappy free form quilt I started at Victoria's retreat last month. I'm sending it to Japan via Quilters Newsletter magazine  along with another favorite of mine " Carolina Crossroads" my first Bonnie Hunter mystery.

If you want to donate a quilt to the people of Japan just follow the link above, you have until the end of April.
Please help if you can :0).
Happy Sewing,



  1. Oh Kim! You're giving away such beauties!!! someone is going to LOVE these quilts.

  2. You're warming my heart, and the hearts of someone in Japan!

  3. You just answered my question of what kind of donation quilts are you making? Wowser, I love them.

  4. Thanks for getting me motivated. I have a couple sitting waiting to be mailed to QNM. Bonnie


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)