Saturday, May 28, 2011


The first peonies are in bloom!
And look how many more are yet to open.  Many of these peonies are over 100 years old.


  1. thanks for adding some beauty to this day for all of us to see.

  2. Beautiful! Did they come with the house? I have a few roses that came with mine, so I don't know their names, but they inspired me to get more, and now we have roses in all the little gardens around the house.
    Thanks for sharing your flowers. I can smell them from here! Ahhhh, the memories.

  3. The peonies are beautiful. I have tried to grow some here in the South, but they do not like the heat.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow! I can already smell your wonderful peony garden! Great photos.

  5. Don't you just love them! Mine are starting to pop too, but I don't have nearly as many as you do in your beautiful garden! I would sit out there all day letting those peonies waft over me!

  6. How beautiful. Are they hard to grow? I would love to have some in my yard, too.

  7. Oh, such beauties, Kim - thanks for your Comment today!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  8. 100 years? So cool. The little field will be so pretty when they are in full bloom.

  9. Wow, those are lovely. I love the variety in colors - it makes me want to go buy some! I especially like the ones with yellow in the center, nice!

  10. Dear Kim!

    Wow, I admiree your peonies! I wish mine were half as large, most of them are still quite little / young and need to grow...

    Bust first of all, thanks a lot for your visit to my blog and your appreciative words on my garden! No, fortunately, we don't have deer in the garden. We live in a small village on the country side and the deer in the nearby woods never ever visit us ;-)

    Have a wonderful day!

    Warm wishes from Germany

  11. Wow what a beautiful collection of peonies. It looks like from the label that there are at the estate where you volunteer. No matter,they are so beautiful. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. Bonnie

  12. These peonies took my breath away. Your spring was late, but worth the wait!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)