Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ami looking to Bloggers for help

Kim's donation quilt to Ami

made with scraps and salvage for Ami.

Ami Simms is a dynamo for Alzheimers!  She  works tirelessly for  research dollars for this group.  Maybe you can help by buying one of the quilts at her site and giving it as a gift this summer for a wedding or graduation gift.  It would be a lasting piece of art the recipient would treasure  not only as a gift from you but also as helping this great organization.  Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. These are really creative, huh, Kim!?! I like her variegated thread and the concentric squares of stitching.

  2. Very pretty quilts Kim. I have thought about making a quilt for her site one of these days. I think you can donate all year long.

  3. How's your Spinout coming? I glanced back at some of your posts...what gorgeous flowers you have. You must spend lots of time with them. Sandi


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)