Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Spinout" designed by Barbara Cline


designed by Barbara Cline

In the July/ August issue of "Quiltmaker" Magazine.
I think this is a fine looking quilt.  When I was a new quilter I would have been very unhappy with how I made this quilt and probably would have done many remakes and "unsewing".  Now I have learned to enjoy the piecing process, to relax about my mistakes, and imperfections in my projects.  Do they really take away from this quilt? Will these errors, that I am going to share with you, reduce the enjoyment the recipient receives from this quilt?  NO :0) I don't think so........ do you?

A recycled shirt with part of the pocket  still attached.

stripes don't line up

Two different stripes to make one pinwheel

Two different colors for border....two orange, two yellow

 pieced together shapes for triangles

Here is the basic foundation piece

side #1 cover with solid piece of fabric

I am using scraps and this piece will not cover the foundation shape #2

this corner is not covered

this is a scrappy quilt so I can just add a piece on

now the foundation is covered

cut away paper and fabric from cut line making sure to have 1/4 inch seem line all around foundation piece

there are several of these pieced together in my quilt.


  1. Kim, This is a beautiful quilt!!! To me, the "make-do" places are the most charming. Isn't that what quilts have been about since the beginning? Make do with what you have. Your color scheme and all are just wonderful. I may have to look up this pattern myself.

  2. This is a beautiful quilt! Way to go on making a scrappy quilt using up ALL the little pieces! I love it!

  3. great job! I don't know that I would take this one on just by the mag pic, but seeing the scrap squad quilt is moving it to my "Think About it list" cw

  4. We don't call those mistakes... we call them innovations! It is a gorgeous quilt! You have just added to it's character by making some adjustments to the pattern. I love it! (Most people don't know what they are looking at, so they won't even see your innovations, unless you show them.)
    I think you are brave to try one of those tesselation patterns. I've quilted for a long time... lets just leave it at that... and I've never been brave enough to make a quilt where you have to be careful that one block's colors match up with anothers. All around good job!!!

  5. You made a great quilt, just as it is! I say there are no rules in quilting and I think enjoying the process is much more valuable than the end result, unless perhaps you're striving for a perfect award-winner that will be judged and juried. Life's too short to make it a tedious work, I think.

  6. You are right, this is lovely just as it is! Scrap quilts like this pay homage to our ancestors, who made quilts with what they had, and wouldn't have dreamed of buying fabric to cut up for piecework. Some of my best quilts happen when I am "making do" - I think, what would my grandma have done? Would she have run to the store for more fabric? or improvise? I think we all know the answer to that. Keep making gorgeous quilts just like this one - and thanks for sharing.

  7. What an amazing quilt!! I love all the quirks, my favourite is the shirt with the pocket still attached.

  8. What mistakes? It all looks great to me. Having to fix and change things seems to occur in all my quilts. Somehow there is never enough this or that or some other reason to just make do. I love it. Bonnie

  9. Quilters make "compromises" on their work all the time - only the one that does it generally knows where the little things are. It looks great-

  10. Well what you see as flaws I see as making the piece completely unique!

    Love it!!!!

  11. I can't see any mistakes - just added charm!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  12. You have done a wonderful job on my "Spinout" pattern. I like the scrappy piecing inside the pieces.

  13. You have done a wonderful job on my pattern "Spinout". I liked how you pieced inside the pieces.

  14. I really like your version of the quilt -- in the words of Alex Anderson "it sings!".

    And I love the pictures you have here which also show the quilt stitching details. Great job and really charming quilt!

  15. Kim, your quilt is great and your comments are as well. The quilting looks fantastic. I especially love pattern used in the small border. Your comments are what I think quilting should be about....using what you have and still coming up with a treasure.

  16. I love this quilt!! very nice thnak you and congrats!

  17. I love everything about it Kim and nob it doesn't matter at all what you do. It's your quilt, just enjoy the process - You are a woman of my heart Kim. I love it - Hugs Nat

  18. An older lady that I have meet from quilting classes says "If you can't see it from a galloping horse, it doesn't matter!!!" That comment always makes me chuckle.

  19. Fun quilt! As quilters we are always brutal critics of our own work. As we complete each quilt we see what we have accomplished, learned from our previous 'mistakes' moving onward with our progression towards perfection. As the artists that we are....what we call our mistakes, others find to be their favorite element of the design...and often what others may consider 'wrong' we love. Enjoy the journey with fabric and thread...there is much to discover!!!

  20. LOVE the Stripes! Isn't it great orange is back! Your quilt looks lovely! Nice work!

  21. Those "mistakes" are what give a quilt it's own life, and make it infinitely more interesting! I especially love the piece of clothing with the pocket still attached... super!!
    (And by the way, I looked up Rhanna Nyman. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing her with me. xo)

  22. I love it Kim- they are not imperfections that you have - they are the unique properties that make your quilt yours. I think it is stunning and that perfection is over rated. Thanks for sharing and participating in the scrap squad.
    Regards from Western Canada,


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)