Friday, July 22, 2011

Wildlife in Banff national Park


Grizzly Bear

Black Bear Momma and cub

Momma goat and three babies

sleepy baby

Deer     We loved seeing all the wildlife and beautiful sights in Banff National Park, the place is a true treasure.


  1. I live in Calgary, about 1 hour from Banff, and you are one lucky lady! The amount of wildlife you have seen is incredible. We go to Banff quite often, but almost never see that much wildlife!

    A trip to Banff would not be complete without a visit in the Canmore quilt shop, and the Rocky Mountain Soap shop (both in Canmore). Enjoy the rest of your vacation in our wonderful province.

  2. Wow Kim, you did see a lot of wildlife on your trip. Love the sleepy baby goat - Hugs Nat

  3. What amazing sightings, Kim. It's so rare to catch that many animals around. When we drove across Wyoming last summer, there wasn't as many deer as we've seen on other trips, but we enjoy it just the same when we see one....


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)