Monday, August 29, 2011


Woven wrap

To celebrate my recent trip to Chile I'm having a giveaway :0).  This traditional woven wrap is often worn over coats to dress them up or over a large sweater for extra warmth.  I bought this one from an open air market in Pucon in the shadow of the large Villarrica Volcano.  Just leave a comment for a chance to win
and a way for me to reach you.  Drawing on  Sept. 13 :0).  Happy Sewing, Kim 


  1. Oh my, this is so gorgeous. I'd love to have it. I'm in the process of crocheting a shawl for my sister right now.

  2. What a GREAT idea for a giveaway! It's beautiful! Safe travels!

  3. Thank you for the opportunity. I love these scarves.

    But where did you get the fabulous pin?

    Hope you stayed dry during Irene.

  4. What a lovely reminder of your trip. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  5. Thank you for sharing your travels. What a beautiful place to visit. The shawl is gorgeous and will keep someone cozy warm this winter. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous wrap. And such a generous giveaway. Would love to win.

  7. really? You're giving this away? maybe to me? it's lovely, and it would keep me warm during our long Canadian winters. thanks for the chance.

  8. I so admire handwork from other countries. THat woven wrap is lovely. Enter me:
    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  9. Kim, Pick me pick me!! I love to wear scarves as hair wrap and this would be gorgeous and I can share our connection when people ask. I had worked with a woman for a year and her final day at the job she commented, "I have never seen your hair!"..... would love this! And.... Happy Birthday friend! Hope it was wonderful in Chile! Love, Em

  10. Are you kidding? The weaving in the wrap is so beautiful.
    Such a nice give away!

  11. It looks like you had a great time in Chile. The tree is really a cactus? Lois

  12. Thanks for thinking of us and brought back this gorgeous wrap to share. It looks warm and beautiful. Yes please enter me in the draw - hugs Nat

  13. That's a great giveaway gift. I enjoy your blog and visit often tho I don't leave comments on blogs very much these days. With a chance to win this I just hafta!

  14. What a beautiful, feminine wrap! Thank you for being so generous as to have a giveaway.

  15. Ooh, it's beautiful! I hope you brought another one home to keep. Enter me, please!

  16. What a very pretty wrap! I find I'm wearing them more and more, particularly in overly air-conditioned buildings. I love my pashminas. Thank you for this very generous giveaway.

  17. Beautiful wrap! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    nkadenver @

  18. Wow Kim, you sure have been traveling the world!
    Love the wrap. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

  19. It's a beautiful wrap and I love to win! Chile sounds like a nice place to vacation.

  20. Hi Kim- I would love to win that gorgeous wrap! Nice to see your pictures from Chile! Looks like a very pretty place and so green!

  21. It's gorgeous Kim!!

    Still envious of your trip . . . and all these photos you are sharing is not helping. :)

  22. i'm so happy that i found your blog!

  23. I came here from Em Celebrates! So glad I found your blog! The pictures from your Chile trip are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Jacque at Lilypadquilting

  24. Cool, I'd love a chance to win. Down here in SO AL it frequently only gets cold enough for a wrap of some kind.

  25. What a gorgeous shawl - thank you for the chance to win it!

  26. The shall is beautiful. Your pics are wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  27. The wrap is lovely. With so many colors, it would go with anything in my closet. Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. Wow, that is so generous. I really enjoyed your pictures of Chile. Hope I win!!

  29. enjoyed your trip pics, especially the waterfall photo.
    I can only imagine how cold it was getting out of the hot spring pools and changing. Burrr. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful shawl. Carline

  30. Kim,

    Your trip looks like you are having some amazing adventures. The wrap is lovely and just the colours I love. How great of you to offer to give it away.

    I would be proud to be the new owners, thanks for the opportunity.

  31. One of our Pastors is married to a beautiful lady from Chile. I would love to wear this stunning wrap in her honor.
    God Bless!
    Gods Goodes at gmail dot com

  32. I would love to be the new owner of that beautiful wrap!!! Sure hope I win!

  33. That is a beautiful wrap. It is generous of you to have this giveaway. Thank you.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)