Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Winding Ways Update

The queen size top is made for the wedding gift, now I just have to decide how to finish it.
A small border?  Just binding?  Or a larger dark border to frame it up and stabilize all those
block layout 11 X 13

Queen size wedding quilt

1716 pieces :0)
biased edges?  Suggestions?  Happy sewing, Kim


  1. It's a beautiful quilt as is, but, yes, I'd add borders. How big is it? Do you need a border to make it the correct bed size? Darkish borders would be good, I agree, but not so dark the border overpowers the wonderful interplay of colors you've got going on. Keep in mind even if it is the correct size now, some of it will take up in quilting. Lucky wedding couple! Lois

  2. Gosh those colors are beautiful! I'd add a border, to stabilize all the bias edges. I agree, not too dark of a border.

  3. It gorgeous Kim. If this were my quilt I will add the binding using one of the color in the quilt and you are done - hugs Nat

  4. Just beautiful! How did you cut it out? What a great wedding gift.

  5. I LOVE it!! Just gorgeous!! I think that if you are going to go with a border, it should be thin and not a big one.

  6. Kim, the colors are so warm & beautiful. Gorgeous creation.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY (no emails), for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored. Please share this with your freinds.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN ~

  7. It has such beautiful motion to it, Kim, and I love the colors! Yes, border, I think I'd keep it more narrow than the widest piece in the quilt. Color...what do you have? What do you think the newlyweds would like?
    You do such marvelous work, I always want to try something new after seeing your projects!
    p.s. yep, we're home, and sanding and painting and I'm pretending I don't have a million unfinished to dos on my list, lol

  8. Yes, add a border to stabilize the bias edges. I think a thin dark or golden one with a wider medium one.

  9. wonderful!!! I like the look of just a binding lately...but either way it will be fantastic!

  10. I think it would be great either way. It is just so lovely. Certainly a good way to start a marriage. Bonnie

  11. I am liking this as is...with no border, just the binding. It is gorgeous!

  12. I got my die for the winding ways and am a little intimidated to start one. yours is just beautiful! maybe I need to just jump in a make a block or two. I need another RW&B. ps. small border- cw

  13. I vote for no borders, just a wider binding. This is one gorgeous quilt!!!

  14. This is just fabulous and beautiful, I love it! I think no matter what you choose it will be stunning, because you have that eye for it. If it were me, I'd probably go with what many others have suggested, and just bind it as is. It is spectacular. ;)

  15. I'm not much help because I think it'll look amazing with or without a border. It's the most beautiful quilt! I love the colours you've used and it has such great movement. What a special wedding gift!

  16. My vote is no border, just a darker binding. If you do use a border, remember Kaffe says you should not frame it in a dark because you want to let the quilt "breathe" all the way to the edges.

  17. I'm not a big fan of borders - I'm with the folks who've suggested a dark binding. The quilting will make sure everything is stabilized, I think. The colors are lovely! As is the pattern!

  18. Absolutly beautiful! I agree that if it is the right size now, just a binding would be perfect. I like borders so either way will work. I have wanted to do a winding ways quilt and if I can ever get a GO die for it will try now that I have seen yours completed.

  19. What an absolutely gorgeous quilt! It's beautiful, just as it is, but yeah, you might need a sashing for stability.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)