Monday, December 5, 2011

BOM bloggers

This block reminds me of a color blind test.

Are you following along with the bloggers BOM?  This months block is really fun but I did not use enough contrast.
Should I make another or just leave well enough alone?  Happy Sewing,
Kim                                                                                                                     BOM 


  1. You are too funny! Love the colors!

  2. leave it, it use to bother me when my blocks didn't -pop- but now I find those are some of my favorites b/c they make the others look better- lol
    I love your color blind test idea to explain the use of two mediums. Think that is going to be my new line

  3. I like your block. I have not made mine yet. Great fabrics and when you put next to other blocks, it will look very different.

  4. According to Buffy, it's good to have some "fade out" blocks. This is very pretty.

  5. Cute! I saw it somewhere else in plain color. I like yours version of it better - hugs Nat

  6. Thanks for visiting Delights of the Heart today. Come again another day and you will see a vintage quilt hanging above my mantle. I love seeing your quilt projects here and also seeing your visit to Seattle.

  7. I actually prefer a muddy look like Katharine Guerrier. Looks great to me!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)