Friday, December 2, 2011

Visiting Nifty in Seattle

Yo-yo's from Nifty!

A whole big bag full...hundreds and hundreds!

Orphan blocks just being arranged into a Christmas quilt.
Look at these beautiful yo-yo's Nifty gave me!  Yes, she said "take them away I don't want them anymore"!
I was thrilled with the gift and have a few ideas in mind for them.

When I go on business trips with my DH I love to go and look at the sights, take lots of pictures and enjoy a new city.

I really enjoyed Seattle but I have to say my time with Nifty was really the highlight of the trip! Go see her quilt top all pieced at .Nifty's blog :0).


  1. WOW! I love the yo-yo's! What a great gift AND a GREAT picture of you! Sounds like you had FUN!

  2. Hey KIM, you look great! LeeAnn told me she gave all her yoyo's to you! fabulous! can't wait to see what becomes of them!

  3. I'm so happy the yo-yo's went to a good home. I know you will make something beautiful with them! It was so fun to see you, too!

  4. Lovely photo of you in front of the quilt. Glad you got to visit with Nifty - Hugs Nat


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