Monday, January 2, 2012

Making progress on Orca Bay

My progress

Yesterday Bonnie Hunter revealed her Orca Bay mystery!  Now if I had finished more of the clues I could have put it together, but I had to work with the pieces I had .  Then I made a row of flipped blocks so had to resew those.  But I'm really happy with my progress so far and look forward to finishing this quilt in the next few weeks.  Thank you Bonnie!  Every year Bonnie does a free mystery quilt!  It is not too late for you to start this one too.  Happy New Year! 


  1. I's beautiful, Kim. I was overwhelmed by all the tiny pieces...I did print it out, though. Everyone who persevered is truly gonna own a jewel of a quilt ~

  2. Love it! Nice contrasts and colors.

  3. I kinda stalled out on the winged pieces, did enough to see the reveal but not enought to get very far. I hope to work on mine today and then put it up for awhile. Yours looks great!!!!

  4. Wow! It loks fantastic! Lots of scrappy goodness here!

  5. It's looking wonderful Kim! I'm just finally putting the borders on my Carolina Chirstmas quilt! I may have to print this one out for a later date :)

  6. Hello Kim- nice to see your Orca Bay mystery. You are making great progress. I started sewing the body of my Orca together only to discover I would like to make a queen and need to add two rows! So back to sewing pieces. &:-D

  7. H Kim, Wow, Very nice job, love those stars.


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