Thursday, February 23, 2012

Does art inspire your quilts?

" Tiger Rug"
 Living in the Hudson Valley gives me plenty of opportunities to visit college art shows.  Recently I attended  one  at the Marist college art center.
This piece really talked to me, it is done on Tyvek of all things.

Happy sewing, Kim
Christy Syminton's "chop" or signature
Marist College Art Center


  1. Cool. I like that. Looks good graphically as a flat image but the dimensional aspect of the original would be interesting in a quilted piece too. Thanks for showing it!

  2. Art inspires me to make quilt or textile pieces as I don't make many quilts lately. I can see a quilt from the tiger rug - hugs Nat

  3. Congratulations....I am passing on the Liebster Blog award. Details on my blog.


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