Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Doll quilts

Two doll quilts made the AmandaJean ticker tape way
I am a fan of "Crazy Mom quilts" AmandaJean, these ideas are taken from her blog, both the direct links are under each picture.  thanks AmandaJean for the inspiration.
Now jump over to her blog and see the other finishes this week :0)

Happy sewing, Kim
The back side of the quilts after washing with their matching pillows

I just have to show these off at the Festival of Scrappiness!


  1. Aah, how cute! Those little pillows are adorable too.

  2. These turned out so cute! I love to make the ticker tape projects, Kim! You can bet the girls will enjoy the tactile feel of those dolly blankets~

  3. These turned out to be so adorable.

  4. How sweet are those?! My daughter would love something like that!

  5. What size are these doll quilts? These look smaller than Amanda Jeans doll quilt. I make doll quilts for the women's shelter here in my town and this would be so cute.

  6. Beautiful! I love the colours and the letter are so lovely!

  7. Super sweet. Love the ticker tape, but the pillows are just the perfect finish.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)