Saturday, February 11, 2012

Too Scrappy

Japanese X block
Sometimes I wonder if scrappy is just too much. Does it come off  as a better quilt if it has a unifying color
instead of just randomly picking scraps and sewing them together?  What do you think?
   I started these awhile ago then jumped into Scrap  attack  but when I put this little quilt up on my design board to have a look........ well it might just be too much going on!  I think it is hard to see what the block started off to be. So I think I am going to stop here and quilt it for a baby quilt.  Time to move onto the next project.

Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. This quilt is amazing! I love the scrappiness, it makes it look so spontaneous and lively. Your colour choices are brilliant!

  2. You are right sometimes scrap turns to mush. You could try a narrow sashing. I found that helps sometimes or as you said some unifying element. This quilt has great colors and will make a great baby quilt. You are right when a quilt no longer speaks to you its time to quit.

  3. I agree with Bonnie, a very narrow sashing may just calm it slightly and then you might just fall in love!

  4. I love it!! Is there such a thing as too much scrappy???

  5. All of my quils are scrappy. I love this one. Maybe you could add a narrow border which will kind of contain it. Use a domainant color or fabric.

  6. I love the scrappiness of this one. I wonder what a solid sashing would do for it. Great colors!

  7. It is only too scrappy if you were going for the design to pop. Looks good to me!

  8. Never too scrappy in my view. I absolutely love it!!

  9. Sometimes it works. I like the color in this quilt - Hugs Nat

  10. I love this piece! Yes, there's a lot going on, but it's very interesting. I have cut a bunch of these blocks in every conceivable fabric for a retreat next week. I can't wait to get started! I hope mine is as wonderful as yours.

  11. I just finally saw this, it is wonderful! Can't have too much scrappiness - or chocolate! Seriously, it's lovely!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)