Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crazy Mom Quilts

 LOOK.....My new book arrived
I've been looking forward to this book and yesterday it arrived :0).  I'm a long time admirer of  "Crazy Mom Quilts"  blog with all its tutorials, free patterns and good design.  I've made many quilts, including doll quilts, from Amanda Jean's blog so I thought it would be wonderful to own her book.
I am not disappointed!  Lots of great ideas , projects and improvisational work.  I highly recommend this one :0).   Congratulations Amanda Jean along with your co-author Cheryl Arkison.  
Co- authors


  1. Oh, Kim, thanks for your kind words. I'm thrilled to hear that you are enjoying the book. Can't wait to see what you make!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)