Monday, April 30, 2012

Will I ever finish this block

 I'm linking up over at Judy's because honestly I have spent so much time on this block it could have been a quilt!

Happy sewing, Kim
block # 27Next comes reverse applique which I have never done and the new blocks for "Just takes 2 " come out tomorrow!  Oh dear.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

I've got this all pinned and ready to start hand quilting.
    Look at Victoria's quilt she just received from May Ann Pettway, that is my inspiration piece.
Scraps from Victoria's piece were used to make my little quilt.......wish me luck I am not a hand quilter :0)
 I'm linking up with Amanda Jean too since this is her last linky party until Fall.

Happy Sewing,

More 6 inch blocks

Only one template for this block.

good old flying geese but called dutchman puzzle in the layout

all these scraps finally getting used

three templates for this lovely star
I'm sewing 6 inch blocks along with Randy :0).

If the deer don't eat these buds I'll have more flowers next week.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blogger BOM block #8

same block different colorways

I wish I knew this fabric line......I bought it as fat quarters with no salvages.

This months block and tutorial can be found at Amy's.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Gee's Bend style

My Gee's Bend style small quilt

Mary Ann Pettway signature on my quilt along with
  Mary Ann Pettway was making a quilt at our retreat and I went around and picked up the scraps she put back in the pile and made a small quilt that I thought might have a Gee's Bend feel.  Both the ladies generously signed my little quilt.
Now to hand quilt it Mary Ann style.

Happy sewing,
I'm linking up with Judy over at design wall Monday 
And here it is Wed. so I'm linking up with WIP Wednesday too.....come have a look!
China Pettway

Saturday, April 21, 2012

 Victoria and I traveled together to our Gees Bend retreat :0).  For more pictures go to Victoria's blog she takes great pictures!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The ladies from the Gee's Bend quilt retreat gathered for a group picture.  What fun we all had!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

6 inch blocks

Cups and saucer made perfectly with Marti Michell templates

flowers in my yard

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Alabama here I come :0)

Just getting ready to head for the train station to stay over with Victoria before we fly out at O'dark hundred in the morning.  Then we drive into Alabama to sew with the ladies of Gees Bend!  It will be so good to Nifty again too.
Share and share a like turkey and cardinal. :0).
tulips from my garden

I love tulips and so do the deer!

just beautiful
And to meet some more great quilting ladies at the retreat.  I'll be back next week but have left some blog entries to post while I'm away.   Happy Sewing

Friday, April 13, 2012

Finish it up Friday

No finish to show today but I am going to find a home for this orphan block.  I added the border and now I am going to quilt it with a grid pattern.  Look what everyone is doing over at Amanda Jean's .  Happy Sewing

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm seeing stars

6 inch block for sow along with Randy :0)

3 inch block added for a spacer in JT2

more stars :0)

Scrappy stars

scrappy friendship stars

two feathered stars for my Just take these will not be in the same quilt :0)  one will be a red and white quilt and one will be pink and brown.....not mixed together.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One perfect star :0)

The computer is really fighting me this morning ! I hope this shows up at Bonnie Hunter's bed turning.
Don't you just love when a block comes out perfectly?  I'm linking it up with Lee over at WIP Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lilttle red baskets

  Temecula Quilt Co. is celebrating 5 years in business by giving this free pattern as a thank you.  How nice :0).

Monday, April 9, 2012

Compass block

This is the block I want to make so instead of piecing it I thought I should try to applique it.

I'm going to use this brown check shirt and applique it on pink fabric

trace all the shapes onto freezer paper

Iron them onto the fabric, the plastic on the freezer paper sticks to the fabric

now I am going to cut out each shape with enough seams allowance to glue the fabric to the paper side of the freezer paper

here is the center circle already to glue down

the shape is all glued and ready to applique

turn the point up then fold the sides down and glue in place

sides glue in place  now to do the other end

all ready for applique

got all the shapes ready to go

One is pieced, one appliqued.  the pieced one was much easier.Now I know :0)    Happy Sewing, Kim
I'm linking up with Judy over at Design wall Monday too.