Friday, April 20, 2012

The ladies from the Gee's Bend quilt retreat gathered for a group picture.  What fun we all had!


  1. I see you, I think. Where you trying to hide? What's with the serious face? LOL I'm glad you are enjoying the creative fun ~

  2. #1, how sad I spelled "were" wrong, bad teacher not proofreading, tisk, tisk!
    #2, I saw your smiling face 2 times on Victoria's blog, that's better! Glad I could pick you out of the crowd (it must have been the direction of the camera). Happy Saturday!

  3. So wish I was there with you all! What a great time!! Can't wait to see all your projects!

  4. Hey road trip buddy! where are we off to next?? ;-) HUGS!!!

  5. Funny, I was thinking about you and your retreat looks like you had a grand time.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)