Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WIP Wednesday 6-27-12

Making a little bit of progress and showing it off at WIP Wednesday :0)  check out all the great projects over there!  Happy Sewing,

Blogger BOM 10 blocks completed!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bonnie Hunter's new book!!!!

Okay are you a Bonnie Hunter fan?  Well not only do I really like
Bonnie the person, but her scrap quilts are so much darn fun!
And she has a new book out " String Fling"!   She is so excited that she decided to give
two of them away on her blog.  So why not get over there and leave a comment
to get a chance at winning.........that's all, no join anything or leaving fancy answers,
just leave a comment.  Good luck!

Congratulations Bonnie!

Blogger BOM block #10

Have you been making the Blogger BOM with a different designer from blogland every month?
It has been a lot of fun :0)  I've been making one in turquoise and greens and one in a novelty fatquarter collection.  Here are my number 10 blocks.  You can check it all out on Jackie's blog with a link to every blogger with a design.  Happy Sewing , Kim

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just takes 2 blocks 28 thru 37




30  blocks (31 and 32 are more checkerboards)





                                               34 .                                                       Block 38 is more applique and that is where I am stuck...........blocks are now released up to #42 so I've got to get caught up.  I'll be back soon, Kim

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Just takes 2 Block 27

Evil block 27 has reverse applique diamonds in the center.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Just takes 2" More blocks :0)



23  The red and white one is pieced and the brown and pink is appliqued




Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Just Takes 2" from the beginning . Since I'll be away I thought I'd leave you these to look at until I get back.  I'm linking in with Wip Wednesday then I'll be off :0).

Block one.  right from the start I thought I would make one in red and white like the challenge shows then do one in my pink and brown scraps.

Block 2.
Happy Sewing, Kim

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Can you help?" Amanda Jean asks.

Amanda Jean's blog is one of my favorite for ideas, inspiration and free tutorials.  She is making a plea
Simple blocks for a good cause

for simple blocks that can be made pretty quickly, I made these four blocks in less than 30 minutes.  Can you help?  Go visit Amanda Jean and check it out for yourself, she has a easy tutorial for you to follow.  It is all to benefit "Margaret's hope Chest".

Happy Sewing,

Monday, June 11, 2012

Love Laugh Quilt

Do you know Beth over at " Love Laugh Quilt"?  I really admire her, she is always making something for someone else.  To celebrate Memorial Day she started a star quilt,  right now she is looking for 12 inch star blocks to make quilts for her local VA hospital.
I made one and encourage you to make one if you can and send it to Beth too.    Happy Sewing, Kim

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday to spread the word :0).

12 inch block for Beth

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Zigzag blocks and a walk around the garden

These blocks are coming along. ( cut from scraps using my accuquilt baby go)