Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bonnie Hunter's new book!!!!

Okay are you a Bonnie Hunter fan?  Well not only do I really like
Bonnie the person, but her scrap quilts are so much darn fun!
And she has a new book out " String Fling"!   She is so excited that she decided to give
two of them away on her blog.  So why not get over there and leave a comment
to get a chance at winning.........that's all, no join anything or leaving fancy answers,
just leave a comment.  Good luck!

Congratulations Bonnie!


  1. I apologize for being a lazy girl and copying your sentiment. I was very bad and will not let it happen again, please forgive me.

  2. Yay for Bonnie!!! I don't have any Bonnie Books!! Love her scrappy quilts. :-).
    Hope your summer is ging grand, kim!! Hugs!!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)