Monday, July 30, 2012

Design Wall Monday 7-30-12

I'm embarrassed to say the label is still going on this wedding gift quilt, their 1st anniversary is coming up in Sept.!  I am going to make myself finish it today!

Jump over to Judy's to see what every one else is up to :0)  Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. As an anneversary quilt or a wedding quilt, it looks great.

  2. You are not the only slow one, I've done the same... they will not turn it away, it is a real beauty! I guess that's where the "pokey" comes in ~

  3. This is so beautiful and definitely worth the wait! They are very lucky!

  4. it's gorgeous!!!! and so worth the wait!

  5. Oh!!! This is BEAUTIFUL. Love the interplay of the blues, aquas, and tans.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)