Friday, August 31, 2012

Blogger BOM

All 12 blocks done in two color ways :0)

Each block was done by a different blogger and organized by Jackie over at Canton Village Quilt Works.
I'm up to date on the Blogger BOM!  And now I'm going to link up with Can I get a "Whoop Whoop".
I also  enjoy looking in on "from the Blue chair..." and have linked up there today too.
Have a happy Labor Day weekend and Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. WOW! Those are great. It's so interesting how just changing up the colors can make such a different quilt. They look nothing alike at first glance, but of course they have the same design in the blocks. Great job!

  2. You have some fun blocks there! Those are going to make great quilts!

  3. Those are so beautiful, and so different in the two colorways!! Whoop whoop!!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)