Friday, September 14, 2012

Dump and sew

Beth has a challenge, on her blog, to make a quilt by dumping out a pile of scraps and sew them together.
Check out the linky party over at Beth's of the dump and sew quilts.....some are amazing!
I used some small scraps too. Don't over think it just grab a scrap and sew.
I started with this pile of scraps that I won from Randy and made the small quilt, it's going to sit for a while before I decide how to finish it.  Any ideas?  Add a border?

 Can I get a whoop whoop for my efforts?  I'm gonna try by posting this quilt over at Sarah's :0) come on over and link up. Happy Sewing to you all while I'm away with Gwen Marston at her Beaver Island quilt retreat.


  1. WOW, great quilt. Looks like a big "I spy". What fun. Maybe a thin blue border with a wide orange/red "plaid", if you have enough.

  2. What fun to see all those fabrics fit together like a party! You'll have a ball with Gwen, you lucky duck!!!

  3. Looks wonderful! Have a GREAT trip!

  4. dump and sew and is fabulous idea - I love it. yours looks great

  5. What fun! I'm gonna look for some time to do one of these, Lord knows, I've got the scraps by the bunches!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)