Sunday, September 30, 2012

Six inch blocks

Do you ever sew into the night and look at the work the next day and say......somethings not quit right here!  This happens to me all the time :0).  Luckily it is not hard to fix.  I'm linking up with Judy over at design wall Monday, drop by and see what everyone is up too.  Happy sewing, Kim

I like this one so I'll make another in  blues

All done :0), but the next day it doesn't look quite right.

Okay that is it looks better.


  1. It depends on what you are looking for. I think all of these blocks are fine for certain quilt - Hugs Nat

  2. Lovely blocks. Good job working LATE! That's one thing I cannot do! ;)

  3. Clever design! I agree: sometimes it's best to turn out the light, get some sleep, and go back to the project the next day.

  4. thanks for the giggle..just noticed I have two right mittens and no lefts...
    off to the seam ripper

  5. great blocks! love those tiny hst!

  6. what great blocks, not sure which one I like better. Yep the same thing happens to be when I sew late, things look so different in the morning :)


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)