Friday, October 5, 2012

Finish it up Friday

  Amanda Jean is back doing her Friday linky party :0)  Yeah and I actually have a finish to show!
And I linked up over at "can I get a Whoop Whoop?" too., come on by and see what everyone is up to.

 Here is my finished little quilt that I made from scraps from a little quilt Mary Ann was piecing while on retreat in Alabama.
China and Mary Ann Pettway led our retreat and didn't so much teach but set up a spiritual atmosphere conducive to creativity, full of suggestions, inspiration and support in each persons vision for her own quilt.   I found out they will be back at Camp McDowell again this Spring, if you can go I sure would not miss the chance to quilt with these wonderful ladies from Gee's Bend.  ( email Sarah Nee at for more information. ) No affiliation just a happy camper :0)
  Happy Sewing, Kim

Mary Ann's signature

China's autograph too :0)

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Finished and hanging at the top of my stairs so I can see it everyday :0).


  1. It looks so great!! And your quilting is perfect.

  2. It's absolutely beautiful. I'll bet it's a focal point.

  3. This is beautiful! I love these colors and the quilting is really great.

  4. Great scrap quilt. Love the hint of orange.

  5. That is gorgeous! Your handquilting looks so perfect too - whoop whoop!

  6. It's beautiful! Love all that hand quilting!

  7. Great solid colors and yes the quilting is right on---adore this!

  8. Wow, that's a great quilt - I love the colors that you chose! Whoop whoop!!

  9. Beautiful quilt. Great job.
    And I want to hear more about this retreat... how did China and Mary Ann create a spiritual, supportive and inspirational atmosphere? It sounds like heaven on earth.

  10. Sweet's your hand-jive coming? xo


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)