Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blogger holding me hostage

I am unable to post any pictures at this time due to blogger holding my pictures hostage for a fee.
I have lost all of my photos.....has this happened to you?

Happy Sewing and I guess I am hold blogging until I can figure this out.



  1. Ugh! No, I haven't had this happen to me.

  2. Is it that you've run out of space? I know a lot of people have been having the problem lately. If you go to you'll be able to see all you pictures and if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the first page you'll see how much of your allotted storage you're using.

    You can free up more space by downsizing some of your old pictures. (Most of them are probably way bigger than they need to be.) On that same website, open the picture you want to downsize, click the drop down "actions" menu, click "edit in creative suite" and lower the pixel size. About 800 pixels in the largest dimension should be plenty.

    Hope maybe that helps.

  3. I had to upgrade my storage wasn't much $5 or $10 a year? But I don't think I lost any photos?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Had no idea this could happen. Hope the issue is resolved soon.

  6. I pay $5 a year for a ton of storage space. Figured it was worth it.

    Here's a link talking about storage space in picasa/google.

  7. Unfortunately, the $5 upgrade is no longer valid and they have switched to a monthly fee. I had this happen to me this week also. As long as your photos are 800X600 they do not count toward your storage quota, so the best thing to do is to keep blogging and upload the smaller sized photo. Hope that helps.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)