Monday, November 5, 2012

Design Wall Monday 11-5-12

There is a tradition at Gwen Marston's retreats where bits and pieces are picked up off the floor and little quilts are made, called "floor quilts" here is one of mine.
playing around with  strips and squares

Other bits on my design wall I'm linking up over at Design Wall Monday come on over and have a look :0).


  1. Kim, you have got a LOT going on, on that design wall!! All that and you got November's doll swap quilt finished already?!? I'm very impressed! I love the look of your "floor quilt" -- what a fun idea!! And your sampler blocks up there at the top are gorgeous! :)

  2. Love the floor quilt ides this is great. I have plenty of scraps I need to use for something.

  3. love the floor quilt!
    Your design wall has so much fun going on!

  4. Is that your medallion from the retreat? Wonderful! That sawtooth border really gets the eye moving.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)