Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WIP 1-23-13

more 6 inch squares

the last of Randy's sow along blocks

I got to do a little sewing last night and now I am catching up

blue version

 more postage stamps
I got to do some sewing yesterday!  In between selling my house and buying another one
things have been quite hectic around here.  You have one more day to enter my giveaway before I do the drawing tomorrow evening.  I'm linking up over at WIP Wednesday because I am thrilled to finally have some sewing done.   Happy Sewing,  Kim


  1. Happy for you...getting some sewing in. Hope all is well. Love those little 6" blocks. The stripes are wonderful!

  2. Happy New Year Kim. Hope it all goes well with the house sell and buy - Hugs

  3. Such nice little blocks showing up, Miss Kim. I do hope the sale of the house moves along for you...the waiting time seems to drag by...!

  4. Happy Birthday, Kim! I will be celebrating my 60th this year, too. I hope the year holds many hours of bliss and fun for you. I love the blocks you are working on.

  5. Love your blocks. Love the basket blocks. Wow...sold your house and bought a new one. You've been busy. Hugs


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)