Monday, February 11, 2013

Snow 2-11-13

Swimming anyone?  This is a picture of our diving board :0)

DH manhandling the snowblower.

A view down our street after the plow came by.

By now everyone has heard the news about our snow storm in the Northeast. We were really lucky it was a dry snow up here which kept the power lines from coming down.  We're all dug out but getting an icy mix this morning and the lights are flickering.  My last winter in the north is going to memorable :0).  Warm wishes and Happy Sewing, Kim 


  1. Hi, Kim. Very impressive, the snow. I complain about the cold and the rain, but the coldest it gets is in the high forties at night. I really like all those red blocks--congratulations on finishing them. Big project. Since you asked about ideas, have you looked over at the Nifty Quilts blog? She has a lot of fun ideas.
    best, nadia

  2. I'm with Nadia. We just don't get weather like that. Thank God! I can see the attraction and there would be parts of it I would love, but I really like looking out my window right now on green things growing.

  3. Glad you are okay Kim. Yes I saw on the news that you all got it bad. May I say, enjoy the last of the snow. Next stop sunshine - Hugs Nat

  4. Brr-rr-r! The diving board does NoT look inviting! Hope the lights stay on ~

  5. Wow you got a lot more than us!
    Thank goodness you have a snow blower and man to use it!
    pretty snowy trees.

  6. Love the snowy pictures. I think I would actually miss it if I didn't live where it snowed. Except for flickering lights and loss of power!
    I shudder to think about it.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)