Friday, April 26, 2013

I joined a new group

Sea Trail Grandmas

I joined a new group that makes baby gowns for premature babies in our local community.
So far I have made 5 of these gowns, a teddy bear and a snuggy for a tiny baby.
Have a look at their blog and see all the good work they have done over the years.
Next, I'll be looking for a quilting guild to join in coastal North Carolina.

Happy Sewing, Kim

Saturday, April 6, 2013

C&O Canal in Washington County , Md.

One of the old locks along the canal

This is a state park now but use to be part of the canal system

My younger brother recovering from open heart surgery and the reason I am here in Maryland

An old barn we passed along the way.

A historical marker next to the dam
Yesterday the sun was warm and weather nice enough to take my brother for an outing, sowe went to one of the many historical areas in his county.  He can't drive for 6 weeks and is only 11 days
post-op.  He is having good days and bad days but since he nearly died in December he mostly
happy he is having any more days at all.  Life is good :0)

Happy Sewing, Kim