Friday, April 26, 2013

I joined a new group

Sea Trail Grandmas

I joined a new group that makes baby gowns for premature babies in our local community.
So far I have made 5 of these gowns, a teddy bear and a snuggy for a tiny baby.
Have a look at their blog and see all the good work they have done over the years.
Next, I'll be looking for a quilting guild to join in coastal North Carolina.

Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. Already found a group to sew with??? YOu must be doin' fine!

  2. Aww, so sweet! I sure could've used one of those for my premie 22 years ago!

  3. Thank you so much Kim!
    Can not wait to meet you!
    I will be at our next meeting on Monday May 6th at the Pink Palace!
    Hugs, Michele Lupien

  4. You are a blessing to any group you join! Sweet projects, Kim ~

  5. Glad to see you are helping community making these little dresses, cute - Hugs


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