Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sew along part 2

How did I make these perfect  pinwheel blocks without cutting one triangle?
It's a new trick I learned from Lori who learned it from this You tube Video made by Jenny
at the Missouri Star Quilt Company.

What did I change to make it even faster?  I matched up all  40 of my 3.5 inch
squares into pairs then ran them through the machine with a 1/4 inch seam allowance
chain style  on one side at a time.  After all all four sides of all 20 pairs were sewn together I  cut them into quarters on the diagonal just like directed in the video.  Give it a try :0)
( so instead of doing one pair at a time and going around the perimeter I just quick ran them
through chain style)

 What fun :0), now to add all the new blocks to frame up my  center applique block.
It's not to late for you to join  Randy and Lori's sew along........heck they are off
at quilt market having a great time and won't post another set of directions until next

Happy Sewing,

3.5 inch pinwheel blocks

step 2 of the sew along


  1. What happy, pretty colors you have, fun, fun!!

  2. Wow Kim they look perfect. I had a look at Lori's blog, thanks for sharing the link - Hugs Nat

  3. Love your choices for this sew along. I'm doing a "follow along" and enjoying looking at everyones choices.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)