Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pin basting

I've got my medallion top all pin basted ready to quilt, now I have to decide how I'll quilt it.
Since I am new to machine quilting this is always the hard part for me.  I am calling this my Diamond Jubilee quilt since I am celebrating my 60th year.  This is a sew along done by Lori and Randy and you can see more of the tops on their blogs.  Happy Sewing, Kim


  1. Yea! This looks so great. Congratulations!! I'm sure your quilting will be wonderful

  2. Since I'm such a mediocre machine quilter, I'd probably stipple the border and do straight lines in the pieced portions (in the ditch maybe). I'd also probably try to outline the center appliqué...that always looks good. I'd use black in the border and maybe the same for the pieced sections. NICE job, Kim

  3. I can't wait to see how you quilt this! For a first try, remember that less is more?

  4. Such a happy quilt. Enjoy your 60th year.

  5. Kim, this is gorgeous! I love the colors you are using. Happy Diamond Jubilee - Hugs Nat

  6. That is so pretty!! Please add a link to this blog post as I just put the finishing stitches on my binding and added the linky so we can see more of them through blogland.

  7. beautiful, you will do an excellent job on the quilting!

  8. It's fabulous! Enjoy this part of the jubilee quilting!

  9. Wow, I love your version! Love the splashes of orange.
    I'm looking forward to seeing how you quilt it.
    Congratulations on your Diamond Jubilee! :)

  10. Love the color, the black really sets off the other colors. Looking forward to seeing your quilting, have fun doing it. I really enjoy it now.

  11. I love everything in this quilt! Happy Quilting...

  12. Hello Kim, thankyou for your kind comment about my medallion quilt. I couldn't resist coming over to look at yours properly.
    I love that you added your initials, especially as this is a special birthday year.
    Don't they all look different? I would never have thought of using black, but it makes a very distinctive quilt. nice work!


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)