Friday, September 27, 2013

Lily's tooth bear

Lily has started kindergarten so it will not be to long before her little teeth
start falling out.  I saw this on Martha Stewart's web site and thought it
would be the perfect little tooth bear for my granddaughter :0).
I did not finish a quilt this week but I'll post Lily's bear, before he gets mailed,
over at finish it up Friday with Amanda Jean.

The little tooth goes in the pocket and the tooth fairy replaces it with dollar bills :0).

Happy Sewing,


  1. haha nifty already took my comment: A-dorable!!!
    really really sweet and well made

  2. That is adorable!!! I can't believe she is in kindergarten already!!

  3. Lily has already lost a tooth????? She sure is growing fast.


I enjoy all friendly comments :0)